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The Reserve's Archive of Maryland's Superlative and Great Cannabis

Graded Evaluations

We evaluate cannabis flower and concentrate using the Systematic Assessment Protocol created by the Ganjier council. The products are graded under 4 main categories (appearance, aroma, flavor, and experience) to create a composite overall score that serves as the final grade. A product is graded on a 100 point scale with the higher scores corresponding to the higher quality products.

Our Process 

To maintain the integrity of the evaluation process, we divide our reviews into sections based on the source of our samples. It is important to acknowledge the difference between a hand picked sample from a company versus a random sample drawn from the market. While both metrics are valuable to different communities for different reasons, to fully understand the quality of products, producers, and markets overall we need to consider both types of sampling.


Commissioned Evaluations - Companies hire The Reserve to evaluate products and samples that are selected by company representatives to be sampled at prearranged times from prearranged dispensaries. The company has the opportunity to select the highest grade flower from a batch with the greatest ability to control the transport/storage of the sample within the regulated framework of our industry.


General Grades - We at the Maryland Cannabis Reserve select samples from random dispensaries to evaluate the average product on the market. This shows us how batch quality is maintained overall and any weak points in the supply chain where a product might be losing quality.


Our reviews are structured to reflect the overall product grade, the aroma/flavor profile, a general interpretation of the terpene profile, and whether or not we feel like the product is worth the price point. In this way we hope to highlight good, better, and best products across the state so you can make an informed purchase. 


** This SAP grading protocol is recognized by the Ganjier community while the market valuations of these grades are solely the opinion of The Maryland Cannabis Reserve. We reserve the right to change our mind as things grow **


A+ Grade 95.1+


Of the highest quality, exceptionally rare, often unique to a region, cultivator or both, worth beyond top market value, often not for sale


A Grade 90.1 - 95


Top shelf, great cannabis, hard to find in most markets, flavorful, aromatic, effective, cured and stored appropriately

Top market value 

$50 - $60 per eighth 


B+ Grade 85.1 - 90


Mid shelf, good cannabis, uncommon and desirable in most markets, generally flavorful and aromatic but typically lacking proper curing, maturation, or storage 

Economic market value 

$40 - $50 per eighth


B Grade 80.1 - 85


Bottom shelf, acceptable cannabis but not especially desired, most common product on the market, effective but not particularly enjoyable

Value products

$30 - $40 per eighth


C+ Grade 75.1 - 80

Spliff Weed

Spliff weed, dry low quality smoke, harsh and generally scoring low in all evaluation categories, hardly effective, benefits from the addition of tobacco

Sale/bargain bin product

$20 - $30 per eighth


C  Grade < 75


Not considered smoking flower, don’t buy it, if you find yourself with some, make gummies with it

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